25 things you probably didn’t know about Moses

25 things you probably didn’t know about Moses

Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness in the land of Midian before God called him to his life’s mission. What on earth was he doing during all those years? How did he cope with going from being a prince in the most powerful country on earth to living life as a shepherd in the wilderness? What prepared him for this experience and what was God doing in Moses’ life to prepare him for the mission ahead?

Over the past few months, I’ve been studying a Bible guide on being in the crucible with Christ. Last week, I was studying about meekness in the life of Moses and got inspired to study his life a little closer, particularly his life before he received the calling that defined his life on earth and in death. As you might know, I only write when inspired to, and I thought my findings this time around were too interesting not to share. Happy reading!

  1. Since childhood, Moses was very handsome and good looking (Ex 2:2).
  2. He had godly parents who were from the tribe of Levi (Ex 2:1) – a tribe known for producing priests who served in the house of God.
  3. His parents had faith in God and were not afraid of the King’s command – perhaps where Moses got some of his faith and courage from (Hebrews 11:23).
  4. His mother trained him till he was old enough before handing him over to Pharaoh’s daughter (Ex 2:7-10).
  5. While we don’t know how many years she took care of him for, his mother probably taught him the ways of the Lord during those years that she took care of him.
  6. Moses grew up in the house of Pharaoh, the most powerful leader in the world. This implies that he learnt the privileges of power; was trained to be a prince; probably learnt how to fight in battle; trained to be a leader of the people; learnt the ways of the kings; was surrounded by wealth, opulence and excess; knew how to read and was well educated; he may have even aspired to become Pharaoh some day; he was probably well known across the land as the prince, Pharaoh’s grandson.